Week 6
The last week of summer school in web design class I made little changes to my coded site and fixed
some things that need to be fixed. I prepared to launch my site so that my parents could see and I
could show them and share to them what I did in web design fun. I added more UI designs to my site
and created custom logos out of my initials. I looked at all the websties that my class made and
they looked at mine to. The last
week for summer school was very fun. I learned a lot from this class and I will make a webstie that
I coded.
Week 5
This week I worked on UI design patterns. I added two custom UI designs to my webstie, that I made in
Adobe XD. I also made site headers and saw all the different headers that I can make. When I put the
UI designs on my webstie I used Fancy Box to put
the UI desings in so that you could click on the UI design and look at it. I looked at different
site heros from different sites to see what they did. I also took pictures around Ioloni School to
use for my UI designs.
Week 4
This week I made a prototype in Adobe XD. I made an About page and a Blog page in Adobe XD, by
duplicating my Home page. I changed the hero to say About and the text underneath About. I also
changed the lists in the About page. Then I made a Blog page and put my weekly blog posts in the
main content. I linked my Home page, About page, and Blog page to each other and shared my
prototype, by making a link. Then added the link to Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
Week 3
This week I tried out Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe XD. I made a logo that says
Summer 2019 and took a picture of it and modified it in Photoshop and Illustrator. Then in Adobe
Photoshop I played with a picture from Lorem Picsum and added filters to the picture to make it
look cool. In Adobe Illustrator I modified my summer 2019 logo that I drew. I made a customized
website with a picture for my background and changed the color of my header.
Week 2
This week I created sub pages I created my blog and about pages. I also styled my CSS by putting
color in the background and changed it red. I also changed my font and changed it to a different
color. I changed my backgrounds to different colors or styles. I used Termainal to make my sub pages
and styled my website. The three sub pages that I worked on were my home page, about page, and blog
page. The link to my three sub pages are: Home, About, and Blog.
I used Lorem Picsum
for my backgrounds for my website. I designed my website and put some style in it.
Week 1
My frist day of website fun! I learned how to create a live website that everyone could see. First I
logged in to creativemeadia.space and
started my course
for web design fun. Then I logged in to
Github.com where I made a repository. I used Terminal for the frist time to make my website. My
frist class was fun.